Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"i climbed to dharamsala"

these are some views form my neck of the woods. most of the days have cloud cover and rain for at least part of the time. some days the viability is 10 feet and others we can see a few hundred miles to another range in the distance far from the hill we are perched on. as with all the pictures on this blog, you can click for a larger high-resolution image.

my flat has a huge balcony on it and quite the expansive views. great place for stretching and sitting in the mornings with a little breakfast and the "Hindustan times" newspaper. the area below is the kangra valley.

view from backside of my flat.

it took a few days after my arrival to see the gray peaks of the Himalayas behind dharamsala and above the plush green hills that protect them. most days they poke their head out for just an instant and often they sleep behind the soft comfy curtain of cloudy cover.

a hiking trail a few minutes beyond upper dharamsala and 10 mins from my flat, offers glorious views. since it is monsoon season there are big rivers, little streams and water flowing downhill anywhere it finds a seam.

ummmmm.... glorious. meadow with Pegasus chillin for the evening chow down. glorious.

after a month in this wondrous place, the beauty still never escapes me. every morning i am still awed by the nature that i am engulfed in. every afternoon as the clouds rush up the hill beside me on their search for a slow ascent towards the peaks above, i am floored. each night the stars in their bright clarity give me hours of stare time. i feel as though i can understand why everyone whom i have met here, rich and poor, young and old, able-bodied or not, always have a calm and pleasant nature to them. how can one not be at peace when this is what the know of the world...?


Marisa Aragón Ware said...


Rachael Reichenbach said...

I met the highest lama...

miss you Phillips!

perpetuallyphil said...

thanks rach!!! i feel so complete now, although you cheated.

love to you!!

travelholic.himalayas said... " An Informative, Travel and local Community Website of Dharamsala,Mcleodganj and Kangra Valley Himachal Pradesh"

Dharamsala and Dalai Lama Information.

A guide to few facts and resources to Dharamsala,Mcleodganj.
Information about Dalai Lama , His