we arrived at the temple around 3:30 AM and as we approached there were sikhs leaving ready to start their day after participating with their GOD. as we entered barefoot, we washed our feet and passed into a huge building surrounding an even larger seeming courtyard. the golden temple was ablaze with light reflecting from is gold plated surface as it sat on an island surrounded by water known as the "pool of nectar." i almost fell over. there were people still sleeping, bathing and wrapping their turbans. the vibe was peaceful and still. anyone is allowed to sleep in the outer temple area and free food is served at dawn and dusk. there were thousands present we we arrived.
the golden temple houses the original book of hymns in the religion. each morning at 4:30am it is "woken up" by bringing it down the long and skinny path that connects the temple island to the main courtyard. it is "put to bed" at about 10:15pm each night. both ceremonies are full of ritual and are attended by those that live in the area as well as pilgrims from around the world.
my friends and i were the only westerners in sight and few seemed to notice or care. we walked the path through the 'pool of nectar' while ebbing and flowing with the crowd seeking the glowing building in the center. the energy was so think in the air i could almost grab it. people were focused, very close and yet calm and collected. no one was rushing and any pushing seemed to lack any ill-intent.
the building was as stunning inside as it was out. there were tons of bright colors and intricate patterns. the floor and base of the building was inlaid white marble with depictions of flowers tracing all over. i felt as though i was not processing any of the surroundings but was rather tuned into the whole experience on a different level. i could FEEL what was around me. i could feel the chants and hymms that came as the book was opened and all the people turned to face it it. i could feel the calmness as i meditated on the roof of the temple. i could FEEL. it was one of the the most magical experience of my life.
dawn rises on the temple.
the path leading from the right is the narrow passage from the outside walkway. the building in the distance is the outer ring of courtyard and is mirrored on the other side. the place is entirely different from the bustling and dirty city outside it. it is a whole new reality with an entirely different ambiance, flavor, felling and character than any place i have been.
oh phil!! that description made my heart beat faster. you are the man. i love you so!!!
i am enjoying getting to read your experiences, it somehow gives me a sense of peace to read about all the peaceful stuff that you get to experience. I am glad that there is still some active pursuance of peace on this earth and i am glad that you are around to experience it.
that place looks pretty magical, i hope india is everything that you thought it would be and more
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